Empower the People of God

We are more than just a church that sits in the community; we have become a community church that has been set on a journey by God. Here at Morning Glory Christian Fellowship, we strive to make disciples out of men within the local church, the community and marketplace.




Morning Glory Christian Fellowship and Immersion Fellowship will be sponsoring a Larsen Community Food Distribution. The goal is to distribute 100 bags of groceries and Blessing (hygiene) bags. We are here helping to put the lives of God’s people back together again....

60 Days to Love and Serve Our City

60 Days to Love and Serve Our City

LOVEjax is a mission initiative designed to enable our Jacksonville Baptist Association churches to love and serve the city for 60 days during September and October 2021. This initiative is designed to assist our churches as they demonstrate tangible kingdom to our...

Join us “Mens Health Summit”

Join us “Mens Health Summit”

Join MGCF next Tuesday for a men's health summit. Dinner will be served by Chef Harvey. Please come out and learn more about featured health topics! Prevention is key to a long successful healthy life.

Impacting Your Community.

For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit!

Contact Us

14 + 7 =

2742 Paul Ave., 32207
Jacksonville, Florida

2050 Emerson St., 32207,
Jacksonville, Florida

Service Times:
Sunday School 10 am
Morning Worship 11 am
Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 pm Prayer line under service time starts at 5:30 am to 6 am  
tel: (339) 207-6618